Attorneys are intermediaries between our clients and the justice they seek. Were it not for our law degree and dedication to helping others, we would never be so honored as to be invited into the lives and homes of others during their darkest moments. Secrets are shared and nightmares relived through the exercise of meeting one’s burden of proof. It is, therefore, no surprise to any who have practiced for a term of years that clients want, and deserve, to have their public quest for justice brought to a close as quickly as possible.

Every claim for damages can be expedited. Whether its origin is in medical malpractice, a defective product, dangerous premises or other negligent act is of no importance. The trial attorney has but one job — to push as tenaciously as possible for trial. If the law makes allowances for one thing, it is interminable delay. Between centuries of case law, rules of procedure and a process itself that is dependent upon multiple parties and the court, opportunities to leave clients’ tragedies dying on the vine abound.