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December 22, 2008 |

Background Checks Just A Few Clicks Away

Gone are the days when due diligence, or a litigation background check, amounted to reviewing a r�sum� and examining public records -- or even Googling!
5 minute read
September 21, 2009 |

Dating Rules to Land a Dream Job

In this economic climate, lawyers have to bring their "A" game to every job interview. If you botch your initial encounter with a recruiter, human resources director or general counsel, you might not get another opportunity for months, if at all. Surprisingly, the rules for succeeding in the dating world and in the job market have more in common than you might think.
7 minute read
September 30, 2009 |

Making Space for Islam in the Workplace

As the number of practicing Muslims in the United States grows, employers must address the unique challenges the practice of Islam can present in the workplace, including head coverings, praying, facial hair and dietary restrictions.
7 minute read
September 15, 2003 |

Sasso Is Named Chamber Chairman

Stradley Ronon Stevens Young chairman William Sasso has been appointed chairman of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, after having served the organization in a variety of other capacities. He will serve a one-year term during which he hopes to supervise fund-raising efforts and the implementation of the organization's $16 million marketing plan.
4 minute read
August 02, 2004 |

Any Revenue vs. Profitable Revenue

When it comes to profitability, not all revenue is necessarily good revenue.
7 minute read
December 21, 2010 |

Palm Beach Circuit Court launches Florida's first court dedicated to consolidating veterans' cases

The goal is to get help for veterans caught in the judicial system who have substance abuse or mental health problems. Partnering with the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center and local veterans organizations, the county's veterans court can structure adjudication to compel medical treatment, counseling and other steps that could reduce recidivism.
5 minute read
May 14, 1998 |

The Birth of Broccolini

A hybrid of broccoli and Chinese kale, Broccolini is the newest vegetable to hit the produce aisles.
7 minute read
January 17, 2008 |

Former NFL Linebacker Wins Disability Pay In 4th Circuit Appeal

Wilber Marshall - a 45-year-old retired linebacker who won two Super Bowl rings with the Washington Redskins and Chicago Bears - took home a win from the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in his long-standing dispute with the National Football League over disability benefits.
4 minute read