I read with interest the Aug. 1 commentary by Matthew Sarelson. His article has some merit but mostly is out of touch with the majority of Florida lawyers’ concerns, what is in the best interest of the public and what the Bar has been engaged in. He starts with a premise that is erroneous. The Florida Bar did not and never has advocated reciprocity. His so-called “doomed trip” down that river is misplaced. His comment that the Florida Bar ought to get serious about other issues is exactly what Vision 2016 and the Florida Bar has been doing for many years now.

I am not sure I understand his analysis as to the number of residents per lawyer as it flies in the face of his argument there are too many lawyers in Florida. While there may be, there are smaller lawyers-to-residents ratios than his other examples — California and New York. His real point was that Florida’s economy doesn’t require as many lawyers. In fact, according to economic forecast from the University of Central Florida, growth in this state will largely outpace the rest of the country by 2018. Further, in the American Legislative Exchange Council’s Rich States, Poor States economic outlook rankings for 2016, Florida’s continued success in reducing barriers to business placed the state in the top 10.